Royal Bank of Scotland £100

I have bought 12 x £100 RBS banknotes (2007) in AUNC and GEF grade. They really are superb notes. I have listed a few already but have some more to be listed on the site. All will be just above the purchase price as I have kept two for myself. They are around £220 as… Read more »

Promotional Notes: De La Rue Set of Four

I have taken possession of four utterly superb De La Rue promotional notes: Energetic Innovation…Geothermal, Tidal, Solar and Wind. These are VERY rare as a set and they are in the original folder…fantastic and very hard to come by. RARE and rarer still. To be listed shortly under ‘Promotional Notes’..and accessed as thus or through… Read more »

Jamie Vardy is Having a Party

I am season ticket holder for Leicester City. The dark days are behind and at present we are riding high….destined (I hope) for the Champions’ League. Jamie Vardy is our hero. While banknotes do not hold quite the same appeal for most people, buying a lovely banknote to enhance the collection is areal joy, like… Read more »

New additions

Some lovely and rarer Provincial notes: Ludlow Bank and the Wolverhampton Bank. Really good prices for these. Also, the Mahon B210 Inaugural Run in GF grade. Excellent value. Have a browse. I try to keep prices lower than other sellers so have a browse through the other notes…great Scottish ones as well.

Provincial Banknotes Coming

I bought some Provincial Banknotes last week. Ten notes in all were part of a GB collection. I shall be listing them over the coming days, so keep your eye out for ‘Recent Additions’….have a check on the front page of the site.

Banknotes & Mental Health

I worked in Mental Health for over thirty years and although retired now I still sit on Managers’ Panels (Tribunals) for our local NHS Mental Health Partnership Trust. I think collecting banknotes is a positive and healthy interest for any person as it requires a keen interest, a bit of knowledge and a determination to… Read more »

Banknote Collections (in Scots Gaelic)

Ir oidhche fhuar geamhraidh tha e na thoileachas mòr suidhe sìos le cupa tì faisg air làimh (gun a bhith ro fhaisg air) agus a dhol tron chruinneachadh notaichean banca. Faodaidh an neach-cruinneachaidh notaichean banca luach a chur air a ’chruinneachadh ach ùine a thoirt seachad gus faicinn ciamar thar nam bliadhnaichean as urrainn do… Read more »

Buy My Banknotes

I am asked quite often if I want to buy someone’s banknotes. it seems there are quite of lot British Banknote Collections, big and small, out there. If you want banknotes valued or an opinion on the value of the banknotes, do contact me. An email and/or a phone call will always meet with a… Read more »

What is the Value of This Banknote Collection?

If you come into possession of a banknote collection of British or World banknotes, do contact me regarding a valuation and/or what to do with the notes. If I cannot assist directly I have contacts who will assist and who will NOT rip you off!

Banknotes and Christmas

I wish all readers a very Happy Christmas. In the coming year I hope to continue to offer good prices for the British banknotes. If you have noes for sale or collections to be valued, just let me know. I shall be talking to a number of Women’s Institutes this coming year – should be… Read more »